Monday, February 5, 2007

Titles = =

(Late Night Writing..oh dear..)
...bleh...since its..11 and I'm falling asleep from the TONS of work I did...except Eynon's freaking 15page compre..only a nerd could finish that amount sheesh, Ima make this 1 a quick 1..
Ok..Bryan this 1 is fer
B:What is Love?
B:What is Trust?
B:What is sacrifice?
B:What is Pain?
S:...damn ur bored aren't you. Pain is devotion.
B:What is devotion?
B:What is loyalty?
S:Love :)
S:It is but through painful and misleading times, can the true faith of a person be tested. Only then, will one know, whether what most people search for can be attained. To trust will come a time of sacrifice, where you or the other must give for the mere fact that you believe in her/him. To sacrifice will obviously come a time of pain and anguish, which will test you and the other, the strength of your bond to overcome all obstacles. Through this pain will come devotion and through devotion, loyalty and faithfulness to the other. Only then, will you be able to find the one thing that lead thee throught the whole journey. Love.
Gewdnitez <3>

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