Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lit Writing - Read if u smart..

(Its..literature, so some words may mean ALOT, so think before you flame me)
She could not cry anymore. Her tears were gone, dried up a long time ago. Yet her heart wept, for folly and two lives lost - one she thought she loved and the other, hers. As she composed herself to the twin justices of law and God, one question haunted her torn mind. Why? She had a happy family, success in school and an ambition brimming to the rim. She had everything going for her. Well, almost everything. She was flawed by a near phobic shyness(super shy), a flaw that reared its fatal head one innocent afternoon.
A group of her classmates, too full of themselves, had accosted her and teased her. They had pushed her into a corner and one boy demanded a kiss for a favor granted. Terror she had never known gripped her as her heart pounded and her mind screamed to be left alone. She knew she would soon shame herself as she felt her bladder and bowels spasm. Then she appeared, Jane.
Tall and striking, with eyes bright in confidence and surety. Jane had quickly sent her tormentors packing, sharp words of reproach chasing them as they turned tail. Jane had turned to her and she, without thinking, had buried herself in Jane's arms. And life was never the same for her again.
The warmth of Jane's bosom had struck a primal chord. Her scent, a beautiful mix of mild perfume and sensuality had calmed her heaving heart. It had been so long ago that she felt so safe. Even in the tiny and cold jail cell Mixue relieved that wonderful moment of joy, of comfort. And love.
For weeks after, she was in torment. Her upbringing had been proper. She knew what it was to love her mother and her baby sister. She loved her cousins, girls all. And like all girls her age, she had her share of crushes with boys her age. After all, she had grown up pretty, with all the curves in the right place.(For the record, I love this phrase..rofl) But with Jane it was different. With Jane, she wanted more than love, she wanted physical contact - to hold her, embrace her. Her mind screamed as her heart realized that she had fallen in love with a girl, with Jane.
Finally, that dreadful day, she had gone to Jane. She had made a decision, telling herself that it was better she learnt how Jane felt so she can let go of the tormenting love. And Jane had laughed. She laughed in her face. "Im straight...I didn't know you were not." She had turned away. Mixue felt her mind snap. Jane had made so little of her torment, her offer of love. All the years of frustration, of hiding her true emotions, of wanting to be rid of her shyness collasped to a single point. She lunged at Jane, innocent, unsuspecting Jane.
Jane had died of mutiple head wounds, wounds cause by a heavy stone. Until now, Mixue could not explain how the stone got into her hands. All she could remember was the blood. And the screaming - her screams, Jane's screams and the screams of horrified schoolmates.
It was all silent now, in the quiet of the cell. She stood and looked out the small barred window, cursing the boy who had wanted a kiss. A bird flew past, its call attracting its mate. As the pair dived out of sight, she knew she had made a terrible mistake. Not the murder. The question haunting her was why boys like boys and girls like girls when God had made boys and girls to love one another.
Alright, those in italics are very deep in meaning. Figure em out..
Wrote this thinking about all those people whom we accuse of being "unnatural" for liking the same gender. What would you have done in Jane's place if someone of a same gender told you her true feelings? Well, if you did it the way Jane did, you'd probably be dead. So think of why those people are like that, they were not bored with it, and it isn't their fault. Everyone, has a heart, mind and soul, and we have to respect that, that God has breathed life into them and we should help them.
~The Pewpew Productions, Solomon

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