Saturday, January 13, 2007

Descriptive Writin is fun..sometimes

(Typing till a story comes out)
I held her tight in my arms. Her embrace so warm, so comforting. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she rested her head on my chest. I stroked her hair, noticing drops of sorrow falling from my eyes. I didn't want to let go and neither did she. She looked up at me, and stared at me, tears overflowing. Her eyes, so beautiful, so innocent, so sad. I couldn't help but turn away, my heart, slowly breaking piece by piece. A scar which I could not fix, a pain I would never forget. The pain, it soared through my entire body, asking me why. Why? She was my dream, my life, my joy and my sorrow. Why? She was everything I could ask for. Why did I tell her i had to leave her?
She stopped crying, and asked me to look at her face. No doubt she felt the same, wondering what she had done wrong. I couldn't bear to look, but she put her hand on my cheek, and push gently. My eyes met hers, and from the latter, she shed a single tear. I grabbed her hand, her soft and delicate hand, and shook my head. Her face remained unchange, so sad, so heartbroken. I had thorn her heart which was already shattered and in a thousand pieces. She looked down, then up again, hoping I would change my mind. But I could not.
Her voice echoed through my mind, strengthing the pain that had already engulfed me. How could I tell her that I loved her so, yet our love was not meant to be. We had gone through so much, holding each other's hand as we overcomed our problems. She still laid still in my arms, awaiting my answer, one which was going to be my life's regret. One which I will never forgive myself for saying. Yet, I said it, the one thing that I promised her I would never say.
"I..never loved you."
Her lips gasped for air. Her embrace slowly loosening.
"I will love you. Even though you don't."
Her second sentence pained her. I could feel it. The torture surged through her. She loved me so much, but all I ever gave her was pain. Why would she have said that? She pulled her hand free, and let go off me. Slowly, jerking and weak, she walked away. My arm, left reaching out for her.
What was forbidden, I had attained. What it had for me, gave me my greatest joy... and my greatest sorrow. I stood there, seeing her a few steps away from me, so reluctant to believe what had just happened. I knew this would happen, I knew and yet i continued. And the consequence was both our hearts, now shattered and beyond mending.
She turned around, looked at me and embraced me. She looked up and smiled at me. I broke down, my body drained of all its energy, my will shattered. I returned the sweet sweet embrace and she whispered in my ear,"I..never loved you! I hate you!"
I smiled, held her hand, and said,"I will love you. Even though you don't."
( Doh..I know what your thinking..No the "I" wasn't me)
(For all of u that don't understand the ending, read again and try)
(If it isn't good, I'm sorry, descriptive writin without a title is hard)

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