Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Flower Power Gang..w00t.

The Flower Power Gang
(All info was gathered and are true..may not be that fun since its sry)
(Not for the faint of Heart, and those who think im an Angel O:] )
Once upon a a magical land..there was a conspiracy that was unknown to all the good kids of St.Patrick's. Neo and Solomon were sittin in the canteen doing the B*itch joke to everyone we saw..being complete idiots and irrating Chester..( yeah..we did it like 8 times to him..) Suddenly, BK ( codenamed to ensure my survival ) sat down beside me..and Neo went like all emo..and told me BK was a punk..(wtf..Specs..Mushroom haircut..high pants..eatting peacefully..nah...)
Seeing my "unbelievable look face"..he shouted to BK.." Oi, oi, Benjamin!"
No response..then, he tried.."Oi! Bk!" the world turned upside down...pewpew...BK swifty turned around without hesitation and the look on his face..could make babies cry...Cold n Evil eys..Steaming face..Lips as if he was gonna eat us alive..and gave us the "buai song" look and continued eating..
I would never be the same again..Khoon Beng and Clement filled me in..sayin he smoked in class..hiding behind the teacher, Mohawk hairstyle under a wig..dyed green..and freaky brass knucks that could woop ne1's ass...
So i went to investigate his gang members..the 1st suspect..was Wesly..the fella..didnt like him since day 1..was too quiet..and i found the menacing truth abt this fella..
Neo and I went to the bench where Wesly was sitting, I stared at his obvious wig but didnt comment to ensure Neo's safety..and said, "Hey Wesly!!"
Whoa..the monstrous..he freakin looked @ me..and gave me..THE SMILE..ahhh..( Tis said that a smile from a signal that i am being watched by the Flower Power Gang..thus..Wesly is the "Eyes".) More research showed that Wesly could kill by simply sneering at u..the next day..your gone.
The next suspect..was Francis Pang..this fella..pfft..was acting weird since Day1...pourin water on his books..grunting wierd noises for no reason..reading books 24/ I investigated..and realise Francis was their top killer..codenamed..Francis Sidous. ( Those in his class be4..yeah..u know why../shiver) He killed in many ways..killing without hesitation..but I found his favourite method of assasination..the Hair - Water Treatment...Yesh..sounds all Francis to me..
Hair Water Treatment..
-Step 1: Ties little strings to each single hair on a person while the fella is asleep.
-Step 2: Pull the strings all out..and take a picture of the person's face when the fella screams in complete agony and pain of this simple but disguting torture..
-Step 3: He is alive..and in grab his body..and throw it into a pile of salt...
-Step 4: Throw him in a bath tub, and use "Francis Water Bottle" and make a puddle, drown the fella in that little puddle while the fella is to weak too resist...
Disgusting..yet profound..but..Francis..who would know someone so quiet...was so..deluded../shivers..(Btw..the grunting sound is a way of communication..pewpew)
Another suspect..was my dear ole friend..who wants to guess??
MARK CHAN!!! OMG!!! HIS NAME ROCKS!! SAY MARK and CHAN right after..totally cewl.. matter how painful it was..we investigated and found the astounding truth abt Mark.
He was the 2nd assasin..always tryin 2 outshine Francis..Mark Chan's Favourite method of assasination..was The Skeleton..whoa..
The Skeleton..
-Step 1: Hang the fella on a rope..make sure he is still alive..and breathing..
-Step 2: Take a sewing pin..and poke lil holes all over his body..
-Step 3: Then sew up all the holes together wif some tread..
-Step 4: Pull the tread..and yeah..u get a skeleton..
The feeling in your stomach if u picture this..yeah..go 2 the toliet now..Sorry but the truth has to be set free..
K its freaking 9:11pm and I am sega stops here til i get more updates on the Flower Power Gang. I am sorry for all those who were mentally shaken from readin this.
Disclaimer: Yesh this is a joke, Im never serious..Sorry to BK and Francis..BUT not MARK CHAN!!!
Part 2 May come if feedback frm Sch or Comments demands it..=) TTFN..

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