Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hmm..I like this 1..

Prof.: so you believe in God?
Student: absolutely, sir.
Prof.: is God good?
Student: sure.
Prof.: is God all-powerful?
Student: yes.
Prof.: my brother died of cancer even though he prayed to God to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill, but God didn't. how is this God good then? Hmm?
Student: (student is silent)
Prof.: you can't answer can you? let's start again, young fella.. is God good?
Student: yes.
Prof.: is satan good?
Student: no.
Prof.: where does satan come from?
Student: from..... God.
Prof.: that's right.. tell me son, is there evil in this world?
Student: yes.
Prof.: Evil is everywhere, isn't it? and God did make everything... correct?
Student: yes.
Prof.: so who created evil?
Student: (student does not answer)
Prof.: is there sickness, immorality? hatred? ugliness? all these terrible things exist in the world, don't they?
Student: yes sir.
Prof.: so, who created them?
Student: (student has no answer)
Prof.: science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me son... have you ever seen God?
Student: no, sir.
Prof.: tell us if you have ever heard your God?
Student: no, sir.
Prof.: Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God, smelt your God? have you ever had any sensory persception of God for that matter?
Student: no, sir. i'm afraid i haven't.
Prof.: yet you still believe in him?
Student: yes.
Prof.: according to emphirical, testable, demostrable, protocol, science says your God doesn't exist. what do you say to that, son?
Student: nothing. i only have my faith.
Prof.: yes, faith, and that is the problem science has.
Student: professor, is there such a thing as heat?
Prof.: yes.
Student: and is there such a thing as cold?
Prof.: yes.
Student: no sir. there isn't. (the lecture theater becomes, very quiet with this turned of events.) Student: sir, you can have lots of heat even more heat, super heat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. but we don't have anything called cold. we can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can't go any further after that. there is no such thing as cold. cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. we cannot measure cold. heat is energy.. . . cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it. (there is pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre).
Student: what about darkness, professor? is there such thing as darkness?
Prof.: yes. what is night if there isn't darkness?
Student: you're wrong again, sir. darkness is the absence of something. you can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light . . . . . but if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called darkness isn't it . . . , if it were you, would yoube able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?
Prof.: so what is the point you are making, young man?
Student: sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.
Prof.: flawed? can you explain how?
Student: s i r, you are working on the premise of duality, you argue there is life and then there is death, a good God and a bad God. you are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure. sir, science can't even explain a thought. it uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. to view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorantof the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it. . . . now tell me, professor. . . . . . . . do you teach us students that they evolved from a monkey?
Prof.: if you are referring to the natural evolutionary processs, yes, of course, i do.
Student: have you ever observed evolution with our own eyes, sir?
Prof.: (the professor shakes his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the argument is going.)
Student: since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor, are you not teaching your opinion sir? are you not a scientist but a preacher? (the class is in uproar.)
Student: is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor's brain? (the class breaks out into laughter.)
Student: is there anyone here who has ever heard the professor's brain, felt it, touched or smelt it?...... no one appears to have done so... so, according to the established rules of empirical, testable, demonstrable, protocol, science says that you have no brain, sir. with due respect, sir. how do we then trust your lectures, sir? (the room is silent, the professor stares at the student, his face unfathomable.)
Prof.: i guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.
Student: that 's it sir... the link between man & God is FAITH. that is all that keep things moving & alive.
-Preps to Cass. Prof was Cass. I was teh Student..and he got wtfbbqpwned..Lols..jk..

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lit Writing - Read if u smart..

(Its..literature, so some words may mean ALOT, so think before you flame me)
She could not cry anymore. Her tears were gone, dried up a long time ago. Yet her heart wept, for folly and two lives lost - one she thought she loved and the other, hers. As she composed herself to the twin justices of law and God, one question haunted her torn mind. Why? She had a happy family, success in school and an ambition brimming to the rim. She had everything going for her. Well, almost everything. She was flawed by a near phobic shyness(super shy), a flaw that reared its fatal head one innocent afternoon.
A group of her classmates, too full of themselves, had accosted her and teased her. They had pushed her into a corner and one boy demanded a kiss for a favor granted. Terror she had never known gripped her as her heart pounded and her mind screamed to be left alone. She knew she would soon shame herself as she felt her bladder and bowels spasm. Then she appeared, Jane.
Tall and striking, with eyes bright in confidence and surety. Jane had quickly sent her tormentors packing, sharp words of reproach chasing them as they turned tail. Jane had turned to her and she, without thinking, had buried herself in Jane's arms. And life was never the same for her again.
The warmth of Jane's bosom had struck a primal chord. Her scent, a beautiful mix of mild perfume and sensuality had calmed her heaving heart. It had been so long ago that she felt so safe. Even in the tiny and cold jail cell Mixue relieved that wonderful moment of joy, of comfort. And love.
For weeks after, she was in torment. Her upbringing had been proper. She knew what it was to love her mother and her baby sister. She loved her cousins, girls all. And like all girls her age, she had her share of crushes with boys her age. After all, she had grown up pretty, with all the curves in the right place.(For the record, I love this phrase..rofl) But with Jane it was different. With Jane, she wanted more than love, she wanted physical contact - to hold her, embrace her. Her mind screamed as her heart realized that she had fallen in love with a girl, with Jane.
Finally, that dreadful day, she had gone to Jane. She had made a decision, telling herself that it was better she learnt how Jane felt so she can let go of the tormenting love. And Jane had laughed. She laughed in her face. "Im straight...I didn't know you were not." She had turned away. Mixue felt her mind snap. Jane had made so little of her torment, her offer of love. All the years of frustration, of hiding her true emotions, of wanting to be rid of her shyness collasped to a single point. She lunged at Jane, innocent, unsuspecting Jane.
Jane had died of mutiple head wounds, wounds cause by a heavy stone. Until now, Mixue could not explain how the stone got into her hands. All she could remember was the blood. And the screaming - her screams, Jane's screams and the screams of horrified schoolmates.
It was all silent now, in the quiet of the cell. She stood and looked out the small barred window, cursing the boy who had wanted a kiss. A bird flew past, its call attracting its mate. As the pair dived out of sight, she knew she had made a terrible mistake. Not the murder. The question haunting her was why boys like boys and girls like girls when God had made boys and girls to love one another.
Alright, those in italics are very deep in meaning. Figure em out..
Wrote this thinking about all those people whom we accuse of being "unnatural" for liking the same gender. What would you have done in Jane's place if someone of a same gender told you her true feelings? Well, if you did it the way Jane did, you'd probably be dead. So think of why those people are like that, they were not bored with it, and it isn't their fault. Everyone, has a heart, mind and soul, and we have to respect that, that God has breathed life into them and we should help them.
~The Pewpew Productions, Solomon

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Rofl!Regional Genius! /cheer...

Pewpew..Happy Chinese New Year to you all.
<---- Better than you! XD

Now..the problem with these tests are..LOL
Does that mean I have to go all the way to Australia..nah, too /fail this one!

<--"bring people together for a common good" Wow..I didn't expect that..

Charisma...o.O /flex??XD

<-- Mogul is one step ahead of, all the tests are positive..meh, Nvm I will want to believe em all XD

Friday, February 9, 2007

...Woo 11pm writing ftw!!

I talked to a man. Who told me a story. Quite a cute one..and moving one if your in the mood. So here it goes.
He was around 8. A doctor had to lengthen his leg because it was shorter than his other leg. The doctor simply put it in "understandable" terms, cut open his leg, stretched the bones, and held them in place by nailing in 4 pins. Neway, he tells of two people. One who laid on his left, had a hole in his leg. Maggots were eating his flesh daily, and a nurse had to come peel them off. The procedere was, take one maggot, hear the man scream in pain, and take another one to hear the man scream. One hour in the morning and one hour at night. He died. The second person suffered three days. He had cancer. A tumor growing near his stomach and intestines. Pushing them out, causing excruciating pain. He slowly died.
Lol these two are the part which he just told me to help me understand how to help people who are affected by seeing people who died next to them. IT DOES affect the person so don't laugh.
The next one is kinda nicer.
The man, slightly older had to be submitted to the hospital to have a sugery. His bed was next to a 18 year old teenager or young man..wadever it may be. This young man, had cancer. A tumor growing in him. He aced his O's. He was on his way to ace his As. But what the man told me next, was that everyday without fail, he would roll his wheelchair next to the young man to have a chat with him. And the conversation that he kept in his heart went something like this :
YoungMan:(sigh)I know I am going to die. No matter what they do to me, I will die.
Boy:(Sad face)
YoungMan:I am not sad. (Smile) I am just angry at myself for being a burden to my parents. I wish I could die now. Please little boy, pray that God will take me early, so that my parents will be free of me earlier too.
(Yeah, I ALMOST teared here..then)
The boy did pray that God would take him early..and the young man did die. What the old man told me next, was just too touching, his tone, his sincerity, What he said was something like, I prayed for him. That God would take him early. But I will forever respect that person. Up till the day he died, at the moment he died, no matter how much unseen pain he was going through, he was reading a book, and he died, with a textbook in his arms.
(and there went one tear off me..)
K now that we are done with the story.
Someone who asked the Pope:Why in the world do you call God, God. If he allows so much suffering, such as the rape, torture and beatings on Catholic Nuns who were missionaries to help the africans.
_Fact:God allows Suffering. Why? Read on. The pope gave a damn good answer.
Pope:Why? Because it is what we believe. What is the point of calling yourself Catholic, a missionary if God tells you,"My child, go to Africa, I shall cover you with my shield of light, so that no harm will ever come to you!" What is the point then? God allows suffering because we believe that what we do, is REALLY God's work. There is no work of God, if God tells you he will shield you while you do everything and you go knowing you are perfectly fine. These Nuns, KNEW that they would be raped, beaten and tortured. They knew! Why did they go then? Because they did the work of God, because this is the true meaning of being Catholic. To go do good even when you KNOW that evil will decend upon you. This is why it is called God's work. Because of our suffering and sacrifice for the benefit of others. This is why we call God, God and why WE ARE CATHOLIC!
(Caps to enforce when I think he would say with more gusto)

Monday, February 5, 2007

Titles = =

(Late Night Writing..oh dear..)
...bleh...since its..11 and I'm falling asleep from the TONS of work I did...except Eynon's freaking 15page compre..only a nerd could finish that amount sheesh, Ima make this 1 a quick 1..
Ok..Bryan this 1 is fer
B:What is Love?
B:What is Trust?
B:What is sacrifice?
B:What is Pain?
S:...damn ur bored aren't you. Pain is devotion.
B:What is devotion?
B:What is loyalty?
S:Love :)
S:It is but through painful and misleading times, can the true faith of a person be tested. Only then, will one know, whether what most people search for can be attained. To trust will come a time of sacrifice, where you or the other must give for the mere fact that you believe in her/him. To sacrifice will obviously come a time of pain and anguish, which will test you and the other, the strength of your bond to overcome all obstacles. Through this pain will come devotion and through devotion, loyalty and faithfulness to the other. Only then, will you be able to find the one thing that lead thee throught the whole journey. Love.
Gewdnitez <3>

Friday, February 2, 2007


"Love. What is love? It is something we experience everyday, yet we cannot explain it. Is it the bond between a couple, or when a mother kisses her new born child. It could be, but there is another form of love. A passionate and undying love, unconditional love. This is the reason my hero, is Mother Teresa."
~My hero speech intro. Hope Eynon likes it haha.
Well, since we're all bored. Heres a discussion. How strong is your faith!?
Lastest debate : Da Vin Ci Code
Fact : Many catholics are offended but the fact that the book states that Jesus did have a wife and that the church hide the secret scrolls. This in accordance with the fact the Dan Brown saying that all information is true. If you find anything wrong..anything at all that tickles your mind about Jesus when you read the book, means your faith is not where it should be. Why? Because, what is wrong with Jesus having a wife and possibly a child? That the child remains on this earth and lives among us. Are you afriad that Jesus was JUST a man and nothing esle? A man who came and died, and lead you to believe in a false religion? So what!? Why would it matter to you? Many people can't answer why they are catholics? The stupidest answer is because I believe in God. Its true..but it means you have min knowledge of why you are what you are. Imo, being a catholic means to follow in Jesus' footsteps in whatever way possible. To help people, to feed the hungry, to heal the sick and ect. We are catholic because we want to help others in whatever talents God gave you. We are catholic because we see good in saving other people's lives and to live a complete life. Trust me, you haven't lived til you've seen someone die, and you could not do anything to help. If you are catholic cause you wanna go to heaven, I will slap you. We are what we are, because of what we believe the good is always present, that love will surround us in wherever we are. NOT JUST because this man came and proclaimed himself Son of God and died to save our sins. That is one reason out of the many. In short, it should not matter what Jesus did. Even if I had absolute proof that he murdered someone, so what? Would your faith be challenged? Jesus made it clear if you are what you think you are, be a catholic and stop being an idiot by being offended by a mere book. We are catholic, because we love. "And the greatest of this is love" Which teaching does not follow this? Ponder and wonder..
Yesh, the pope and the church have stood up against the book for another reason. Not because Jesus had a wife or what. They stood up because people accused the church for hiding the truth and to blanket everyone's eyes.
Jesus was a man, cut him some slack...IF he had a big deal..
No im not catholic, not baptised. Thus, I can write in whatever way I want. If you find whatever I wrote offending, go read it again and try to understand the message...
-I can't bring myself to tell you the truth. No matter how much it pains me to see you cry, I will always only, be your friend.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


(Time 2 update lols, lets try some lit writing, each line means something lols)
(I wont put in feelings for this 1, u go try and guess them hehe)
(Idea frm a show, just enlarging it)
Tears rolled down her cheek, her smile still on her face. She looked at me, and shook her head. Higen sat there next to us. The war had claimed his father and he asked with a pinch of anguish in his voice,"Are you leaving too?"
I looked into his eyes and whispered,"If they come, yes."
He looked away, trying to retain his tears. But when the first drop filled his eyes, he got up and ran out of the room.
"He misses his father. And he is angry at me because I am the cause of it."
Taka smiled,"No. He misses his father. And is afraid he will lose you."
I went to Higen and sat beside him.
"Why are you leaving?"
I closed my eyes,"Because, they have come to destroy, what I have come to love."
He looked away,"I don't want you to leave."
I held him in my arms, and hugged him. He broke down, and hugged me back, and nodded his head.
I went back to Taka, she came to me, and looked at me. We stood there, and I kissed her. She took a step back. She breathed a little faster, her hand in mine. She cried and laid her head on my shoulder.
After the war, I came back. Taka and Higen standing in the fields. I stood there looking at them, and smiled.
- Wth is this? The full story is hidden in each line. Some lines have a story in them. Ending is fast forward because if you understand the whole story, the conclusion is that for everyone there is a place where you love. A place where you find that you would not want to leave.
Find that place, and you will find what you seek..sumthing

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Questions..that need answering..

(Just watched Superman Returns again and I just asked myself this question..)
The character Richard, the man who is engaged to Louis, does not play a big nor fantastic role in Super Returns. But after watching it again, I sorta concentrated on the co-actors rather than the mains. He is a good person, one which I have to question myself, am I a good person? What he did was just pure sacrifice, sacrifice which seems pathetic and stupid to some of you. If it does, I will just have to smile at you and I'll tell you now, don't read further because you are heartless and just out to increase your pride by being pessimistic.
What Richard did for those of you that didn't watch the show, or if you forgot, was simple really. He has been in a relationship with Louis for 5years, he has helped Louis and has gone through the years thinking the boy was his son. However, if you think about the sub-text at the ending where he said to Louis, "We don't have to be here. If you know what I mean," and how he responded to Louis question, "Where should I be if not here?" Then the father of Ricahrd smiles as they leave the office. Clues to tell you he knew that Louis, loved Clark or Superman more than him. He prolly knew or suspected the boy, whom he thought to be as his son, may not actually BE his son. Yet, what did he do? Try to steal Louis back, or smile and encourage her to go to see Superman. If you don't know the answer, read the last line of paragraph one and piss off sadist. = =
Yes, now I ask, if you were in a similar suitation, where the one you loved for years suddenly found her true love. What would you do? Will you let her go? Sure, of course, you'll say yes. Then I ask you, why do you say yes like everyone esle? Then you will say the same thing, because I love her/him (Its usually the man..T.T) Then i ask you why you say that? And you will say because she is the right one for me. Looks, intelligence, charm, fun, makes you feel good and ect.
If your last answer has the same format as mine, then you are wrong and will not make that sacrifice as the character Richard did. Yes, my answer was different, because what love is, is simply different, not just to sacrifice for the other to make the person happy. Not just to be together till the last day. Not just a partner which makes you feel complete and happy. Yes, you may think then what is love? Love simply, is explainable but the unexplainable. What you know you cannot express. What you believe, you dare not. Delusions which cloud the fabric of the mind's thinking. The answer is simply, love is you. You are the answer. I found my answer. Have you found yours?
(If you read till here and critic this, I just say that I have a huge sense of pity for u..)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Kk Im gonna try sumthing new

(Poems are teh pwnage)
(Inspired by Nixon during his advice givin rofl)
Two of you caught in thy heart,
both of thee are
my heart's desire.
I'm a nightmare, a disater.
A lost cause, but they love me still.
What shall one do?
In such a position,
To know you will bring someone joy,
while give the other,
a broken heart.
They know I'm in this turmoil.
Such pain, such anguish.
Lost in confusion,
This everlasting intrusions.
Will they ever stop haunting me?
I will say to the one,
the one which my heart leads me to,
That I love her so,
And I know she will say,
"What about the other?"
I will hold her hand,
her sweet sweet hand,
hold them in my own,
look her in the eye and smile.
She will look back,
Her hands shaking and her face uncertain,
Then I will say,
"You are my only one."
(What this poem teach you, try and guess!)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Descriptive Writin is fun..sometimes

(Typing till a story comes out)
I held her tight in my arms. Her embrace so warm, so comforting. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she rested her head on my chest. I stroked her hair, noticing drops of sorrow falling from my eyes. I didn't want to let go and neither did she. She looked up at me, and stared at me, tears overflowing. Her eyes, so beautiful, so innocent, so sad. I couldn't help but turn away, my heart, slowly breaking piece by piece. A scar which I could not fix, a pain I would never forget. The pain, it soared through my entire body, asking me why. Why? She was my dream, my life, my joy and my sorrow. Why? She was everything I could ask for. Why did I tell her i had to leave her?
She stopped crying, and asked me to look at her face. No doubt she felt the same, wondering what she had done wrong. I couldn't bear to look, but she put her hand on my cheek, and push gently. My eyes met hers, and from the latter, she shed a single tear. I grabbed her hand, her soft and delicate hand, and shook my head. Her face remained unchange, so sad, so heartbroken. I had thorn her heart which was already shattered and in a thousand pieces. She looked down, then up again, hoping I would change my mind. But I could not.
Her voice echoed through my mind, strengthing the pain that had already engulfed me. How could I tell her that I loved her so, yet our love was not meant to be. We had gone through so much, holding each other's hand as we overcomed our problems. She still laid still in my arms, awaiting my answer, one which was going to be my life's regret. One which I will never forgive myself for saying. Yet, I said it, the one thing that I promised her I would never say.
"I..never loved you."
Her lips gasped for air. Her embrace slowly loosening.
"I will love you. Even though you don't."
Her second sentence pained her. I could feel it. The torture surged through her. She loved me so much, but all I ever gave her was pain. Why would she have said that? She pulled her hand free, and let go off me. Slowly, jerking and weak, she walked away. My arm, left reaching out for her.
What was forbidden, I had attained. What it had for me, gave me my greatest joy... and my greatest sorrow. I stood there, seeing her a few steps away from me, so reluctant to believe what had just happened. I knew this would happen, I knew and yet i continued. And the consequence was both our hearts, now shattered and beyond mending.
She turned around, looked at me and embraced me. She looked up and smiled at me. I broke down, my body drained of all its energy, my will shattered. I returned the sweet sweet embrace and she whispered in my ear,"I..never loved you! I hate you!"
I smiled, held her hand, and said,"I will love you. Even though you don't."
( Doh..I know what your thinking..No the "I" wasn't me)
(For all of u that don't understand the ending, read again and try)
(If it isn't good, I'm sorry, descriptive writin without a title is hard)

Friday, January 12, 2007


(First time I'm trying this, gimme credit for trying =D)
Jericho stared into his glowing hands as scorching flames spurted from his fingertips. He pointed at the squealling boar, bound by chains, terror in its eyes as it knew death was coming. The flames surged forth and engulfed the boar, leaving behind only a pile of ashes which continued to sizzle.
"Well done! Her highness would be very pleased to know her son has finally completed his circle of flame."
Jericho hated how Omeus would appear out of thin air, with a frown and a pinch of jealousy for his brother's mastery of the circle of wind, he replied,"I guess she will..but would it matter that much. She knows I don't even like the circles of destruction. When will she ever let me learn the circles of creation?"
"Dear dear brother, you know what will happen if you don't follow mother's orders.."
Immediately, Jericho turned his head and stared Omeus in the eye and whispered in a cold and harsh tone, "She isn't my mother."
With a sigh, Omeus beckoned Jericho for him to follow, and headed towards the stairs, a trail of mist following close behind. Jericho followed, searching his mind for the answer for why he had to study the circles. His pondering made him oblivious to how much time had passed and he reached the doors of Lylandris Spellforce herself. Archmage. Sorceress Supreme. Omeus touched the doors and a faint glow emerged from the center. It slowly flowed through the thin but noticable carvings on the doors, brightening every moment. The carvings lead the light to five different circles, three on the top and two at the bottem. The light devoured the door, leaving no trace of it, only a bright star with its intricate designs remained. The light continued to brighten till a blinding beams of light shot forth from the five circles.
As the light slowly dessipated, a soft yet commanding, seducing yet fearful voice echoed throughout the hall.
"Come to me my darlin sons, I heard that you have news that may interest me."
No matter how many times Jericho had walked these halls, he couldn't shake off the fear and uncertainty off his shoulders. Lylandris was not a sorceress to be trifiled with and knew she wouldn't mind killing him if she had a reason to.
The floating pillars of the hall emitted a strange aura which covered the floor with a mystical mist which cleared as the Omeus and Jericho continued down towards the queen. The blazing circle floating above their heads lighted the room with endless radiance. At the end, a throne stood. The magnificent structure was carved out of gold, its designs weaved by the skilled craftsmanship of the dwarves and the glow of light resonating from it was enchanted by the magical elves. However, the real attraction was the icy blue fire rising from the back of the throne. Its fire spurnned by the King and frozen by Lylandris herself.
"My dear Jericho, I heard you have completed your circle of fire. Are you ready to learn the circle of death?"
Jericho bit his lip and replied,"I have mastered the circle of fire."
A smile emerged on Lylandris face.
But Jericho couldn't play this game of wits anymore and blurted out,"But i do not wish to study the circle of death. I want to learn other things. Things that...aren't related to magic."
Lylandris stood up, her eyes burning with anger and she shouted,"What?!"

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Man

(Yeah I felt like writin this today, enjoy )
There lived a man. A man..who, since young, had been conditioned to hate women. No matter how people have tried, he couldn't get rid of this hatred, til...something happened...
He was in a war..and his carrier had been sank by an enemy plane.
He drifted to a nearby island..unconscious and weak..unable to move, in his mind...he knew he would die. However, after he passed out..a lady happened to walk past him, seeing him in such a state, she painstakingly carried him to her home. There, she endured sleepless nights feeding him, clothing him, and tending to his wounds...
A few days later, the man regained consciousness. He saw the lady..asleep and immediately wanted to leave, but he knew that she was the one that had saved his life. For a moment, he hesitated, and the lady awoke to find the man standing at the entrance of her home. They both stared into each others eyes, and the man saw a single tear rolling down her cheek. Realising that he loved her and vice versa, his heart finallly took over and he hugged her and whispered in her ear, "I will stay.."
A few days later..his conditioning suddenly got the better of him. He left the lady and took a boat back to his homeland. The lady, quickly realised he was gone, heartbroken, she set off to search for him.
A few months later, the lady found the man at his home, she knocked and he answered. They both stared at each other...and the man quickly shouted at her, " Get lost! I don't ever want to see you!" The lady broke down and ran away. Realising his mistake, he quickly rushed after her but just then, he heard a loud car crash..
To his horror, the lady had been hit by a speeding car and was lying on the road. Rushing to her, he quickly held her in his arms and said, "I'm sorry! You can't leave me now!"
The lady looked up and asked the man a question,"Do you love me?"
In his heart, he knew the answer, but what came out was a,"No!"
She smiled, kissed his cheek and died.
The man felt a deep emptiness in him, for the first time, he shed tears for the very people he didnt like, and even though he knew he loved her..he said no to her..and towards the end..he realised something...
Something that made him cry like he never did, he fell to his knees and whispered softly into her ear and said,"I didn't even know your name.."

Flower Power Gang..w00t.

The Flower Power Gang
(All info was gathered and are true..may not be that fun since its sry)
(Not for the faint of Heart, and those who think im an Angel O:] )
Once upon a a magical land..there was a conspiracy that was unknown to all the good kids of St.Patrick's. Neo and Solomon were sittin in the canteen doing the B*itch joke to everyone we saw..being complete idiots and irrating Chester..( yeah..we did it like 8 times to him..) Suddenly, BK ( codenamed to ensure my survival ) sat down beside me..and Neo went like all emo..and told me BK was a punk..(wtf..Specs..Mushroom haircut..high pants..eatting peacefully..nah...)
Seeing my "unbelievable look face"..he shouted to BK.." Oi, oi, Benjamin!"
No response..then, he tried.."Oi! Bk!" the world turned upside down...pewpew...BK swifty turned around without hesitation and the look on his face..could make babies cry...Cold n Evil eys..Steaming face..Lips as if he was gonna eat us alive..and gave us the "buai song" look and continued eating..
I would never be the same again..Khoon Beng and Clement filled me in..sayin he smoked in class..hiding behind the teacher, Mohawk hairstyle under a wig..dyed green..and freaky brass knucks that could woop ne1's ass...
So i went to investigate his gang members..the 1st suspect..was Wesly..the fella..didnt like him since day 1..was too quiet..and i found the menacing truth abt this fella..
Neo and I went to the bench where Wesly was sitting, I stared at his obvious wig but didnt comment to ensure Neo's safety..and said, "Hey Wesly!!"
Whoa..the monstrous..he freakin looked @ me..and gave me..THE SMILE..ahhh..( Tis said that a smile from a signal that i am being watched by the Flower Power Gang..thus..Wesly is the "Eyes".) More research showed that Wesly could kill by simply sneering at u..the next day..your gone.
The next suspect..was Francis Pang..this fella..pfft..was acting weird since Day1...pourin water on his books..grunting wierd noises for no reason..reading books 24/ I investigated..and realise Francis was their top killer..codenamed..Francis Sidous. ( Those in his class be4..yeah..u know why../shiver) He killed in many ways..killing without hesitation..but I found his favourite method of assasination..the Hair - Water Treatment...Yesh..sounds all Francis to me..
Hair Water Treatment..
-Step 1: Ties little strings to each single hair on a person while the fella is asleep.
-Step 2: Pull the strings all out..and take a picture of the person's face when the fella screams in complete agony and pain of this simple but disguting torture..
-Step 3: He is alive..and in grab his body..and throw it into a pile of salt...
-Step 4: Throw him in a bath tub, and use "Francis Water Bottle" and make a puddle, drown the fella in that little puddle while the fella is to weak too resist...
Disgusting..yet profound..but..Francis..who would know someone so quiet...was so..deluded../shivers..(Btw..the grunting sound is a way of communication..pewpew)
Another suspect..was my dear ole friend..who wants to guess??
MARK CHAN!!! OMG!!! HIS NAME ROCKS!! SAY MARK and CHAN right after..totally cewl.. matter how painful it was..we investigated and found the astounding truth abt Mark.
He was the 2nd assasin..always tryin 2 outshine Francis..Mark Chan's Favourite method of assasination..was The Skeleton..whoa..
The Skeleton..
-Step 1: Hang the fella on a rope..make sure he is still alive..and breathing..
-Step 2: Take a sewing pin..and poke lil holes all over his body..
-Step 3: Then sew up all the holes together wif some tread..
-Step 4: Pull the tread..and yeah..u get a skeleton..
The feeling in your stomach if u picture this..yeah..go 2 the toliet now..Sorry but the truth has to be set free..
K its freaking 9:11pm and I am sega stops here til i get more updates on the Flower Power Gang. I am sorry for all those who were mentally shaken from readin this.
Disclaimer: Yesh this is a joke, Im never serious..Sorry to BK and Francis..BUT not MARK CHAN!!!
Part 2 May come if feedback frm Sch or Comments demands it..=) TTFN..

Lols..mmm Blog.. -.-
Lets see..why did i make this...
- Bored..yupyup..
- ...For all u ppl that like my stories, they should be here ( Yeah..adominable snowman and Bigfoot..mmm)
- A blog isn't a dairy..
- i can QQ and make fun of you so that when u go to sch, every1 will love u.
- I am bored..yeah...